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IJ Distinguishes Jaco, Grants Asylum PSG = Honduran Women Inside News Immigration Law

Fewer than three percent of gender-motivated murders are solved by the courts in the countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Both corruption and intimidation play a large role, and many people don’t report the crimes against them out of fear. When people in Honduras do report these crimes, them and their families are often subjected to further gang violence, which the police and government are largely powerless to prevent. In Honduras, 83.3% of legal frameworks that promote, enforce and monitor gender equality under the SDG indicator, with a focus on violence against women, are in place. In 2012, 76% of women of reproductive age (15-49 years) had their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods. Honduras has become part of the small group of nations, 16 out of 193 United Nations countries, to have a female-led government. President Castro composes 9% of the world’s governments that are in the hands of women—becoming the only woman currently presiding over a government in the entire American continent, except for Barbados.

  • They are preferred to stay home, work as homemakers, and become dependent on their dominant husbands.
  • When people in Honduras do report these crimes, them and their families are often subjected to further gang violence, which the police and government are largely powerless to prevent.
  • “It is urgent to pass the law on safe houses where women who manage to get away from violent situations are taken care of”.
  • As the index value moved closer to 0 by 0.032, this indicates that the country is indeed making improvements, although small, toward gender equality.

Individual shipments of cocaine usually carried hundreds of, and sometimes more than a thousand, kilograms of cocaine. After receiving a shipment of cocaine, Los Montes worked with other drug traffickers to transport the cocaine inland through Honduras into Guatemala and, eventually, Mexico, where the cocaine would then be imported into, and distributed within, the United States. One year after the historic election of Honduras’ first female president, there are signs of progress. • Almost all (93%) women aged 15–19 believe that if a woman’s husband has an STI, she is justified in asking him to use a condom.

That learning, put into practice, changed my leadership completely because I focused on building stronger ties with my team, which resulted in their commitment to our work. I developed more empathy, affection, and appreciation towards people and learned to be more open. These are skills that have helped me not only in my work, but in my personal life.

Although Honduras has reduced its homicide rate by half since 2011, it remains one of the world’s highest, with 44.8 murders per 100,000 population in 2019. From 2015 through 2019, authorities arrested 4,196 gang members, the National Police reported. Marred by corruption and abuse, the judiciary and police remain largely ineffective. Support and resources from a four-year Organization of American States mission to strengthen the fight against corruption and impunity, concluded in January 2020, have not produced lasting reforms. The UNSDG guides, supports, tracks and oversees the coordination of development operations in 162 countries and territories. In Honduras, the United Nations is committed to continue working together with a wide range of sectors of the country in achieving a more just and equitable society, where it isn’t dangerous to be a woman. As a result of this study, UN Women will be organizing trainings for media outlets on objective and respectful journalism in these types of subjects.


Similarly, in urban areas the fact that most wage jobs are held by men may discourage women from seeking employment. The problem of lower female participation in the labor market begins with early school dropout.

“I would have never thought that I’d go and sit with government representatives and hold them to rights, but now I do. The work with World Renew has trained us to open those doors to government support, and to solving our own problems” shared Mirtala. Cinema is the most important, powerful tool, because it can reach many people and it is very easy to disseminate. It is a way of communicating how we feel about the situations that happen to us. It’s a very important means of activism and an effective way to communicate positive messages to change the way we think. I felt it was important to show all the harmful things that have been normalized and share my experience with other young, Afro-Honduran women so that they know that they have rights, that no one can violate them, that they do not have to remain silent. In Honduras, very few black women hold corporate positions within a company or public service positions.

Just a few days before she was set to leave for the competition, Alvarado and her sister, 23-year-old Sofia Trinidad, were brutally murdered. Their bodies were hidden in shallow graves in a riverbank in Santa Barbara, Honduras, discovered after a week-long manhunt that made international headlines. Their joint funeral was broadcast around the world and attended by thousands. In 2014, a 19-year-old small town girl named Maria Jose Alvarado catapulted onto the world stage when her brilliant smile and sweet personality won her the Miss Honduras crown. With a freshly minted passport, she was set to compete for the prestigious Miss World title in London, a trip which would be the first plane ride of her life.

Pages in category “Honduran women”

Judges face interference—including political pressure, threats, and harassment—from the executive branch, private actors with connections to government, and gangs. The Supreme Court, particularly its president, exerts excessive control over the appointment and removal of judges, and career instability limits judges’ independence. In its 2016 review of Honduras, the CEDAW Committee urged the government to decriminalize abortion, noting that the ban caused women and girls to seek unsafe abortions and increased maternal mortality.

Early last month, Castro’s health minister announced that emergency contraception would soon become available in cases of rape, but this small—if significant—concession falls far short of full protection for reproductive health care in Honduras. Undoubtedly, many forces – including political parties – will continue to act to dissuade women’s participation in public, private and civil society spaces. Most citizens do not seem to care that women are systematically excluded from decision-making because it is so engrained in the culture. That is why changing the legal framework is a crucial first step but with a male-dominated Congress, there has been no political will to pass a draft bill that aims to combat violence against women in politics. The main limitation commonly encountered with an issue as complex as gender-based violence is that when discussed, it is purely symbolic in leaders’ speeches. Words need to be materialized and policies institutionalized to combat it and include it in different agendas.

Gender-specific indicators

I am always getting catcalled by drivers who yell things through their window, many of them sexual, vulgar and in bad taste. In some way I think they feel superior to me and that they have the right to tell me what they want. “My dream is to get to the other side and be able to bring my children and have a better life, above all so that they can study in peace,” she says. Although more difficult times lie ahead as the caravan weaves its way through northern Mexico, where temperatures are more extreme, infrastructure more sparse and organized crime more prevalent, most members of the caravan are undeterred. The support that Nava and her colleagues can offer fleeting visitors is limited, and she is particularly concerned by what she describes as the “dehumanization” of those traveling in the caravan. Now, Claudia says her priority is finding a safe place where her children can go to school. As Amnesty International documented last year, the extortions or “war taxes” that maras demand from businesses are commonplace in Central America, but refusing to comply puts one’s life at risk.

Yet when the “Nightline” team went to visit, there were only a handful of women there asking for help. According to the Women’s District Attorney Maria Mercedes Bustelo, “What these women feel is impotence.

The Los Montes Cartel was a vicious drug trafficking organization that poisoned our citizens and engaged in violence to profit from drug trafficking. Our message to criminal organizations’ leadership is clear, we will not waver until drug distribution and it’s related violence is eradicated,” said Jarod Forget, Special Agent in Charge, DEA Washington Division. As we noted at this time a year ago, no one government or elected official can fully protect human rights, and every government—no matter who helms it—must be held accountable to the same high standard of promoting human rights. After a year in office, Castro has not fully addressed the multiple challenges that Honduran people face, and structural barriers remain to her ability to make change. These forms of violence are compounded at the institutional level by policies that deny women access to reproductive rights and health care. Unlike many countries in Latin America, Honduras criminalizes abortion without exception and also places severe limitations on women’s access to emergency contraception.

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